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Website design: Laura Morgan / Last update: November 2018

laura morgan photography

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By Stephen Cotterell

Laura Morgan: “Photographing people gives me great pleasure. To make something memorable happen between the subject, the camera and me is exciting and unique every time.

I travel as much as possible, most recently to Colombia, Tennessee and Madeira. In addition, volunteering my photography services to non-profit organisations overseas and here in the UK is extremely rewarding and sometimes eye-opening.

Exploring other genres like street photography, abstract imagery and landscape is fun too - whatever excites me visually is fair game and helps me develop my skills.

I also offer personalised packages for weddings, events, and portraiture so do contact me if you’d like to work with me.”

What’s happened this year so far?

Travel: This year I revisited Colombia and Tennessee and travelled to Madeira for the annual Flower Festival.

Non-profit: My second trip to Colombia with Momenta Workshop was another incredible experience. This year I worked with La Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres, a feminist organisation working with women post-conflict to ensure they are properly represented in the peace process.

Volunteering: I have supported local community events and am working on photographic stories for Cornerstone and Community Foods North East in Aberdeen.

Exhibiting: I will be exhibiting at The Hawth in Crawley in November.

Weddings: As ever I prefer to shoot only the occasional wedding as it can be difficult to commit to dates with so much travel. This year I had the pleasure of photographing Gemma and Nick’s beautiful wedding at Painshill Park and the fun fifties style wedding for Laura and Phillip. Galleries are not yet public!